Firstly, please accept our sincere thanks for agreeing to take part in the Northern Ireland Childcare Survey. This survey will assist with the collection of comprehensive information for the Department of Education (DE). This information will provide an evidence base on which informed decisions can be made in relation to the Department’s Early Learning and Childcare Strategy.
The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) has been commissioned by DE to carry out the Northern Ireland Childcare Survey. NISRA is committed to safeguarding the personal information you provide to us through your participation in this survey. This note is intended to provide you with information about how we process and protect your information.
We treat the personal information we collect from you with respect, keeping it secure and confidential. We will take all necessary steps to protect your privacy. Your personal information will only ever be used for statistics or research purposes. The results of the survey will never be used in any way which could identify you or your household.
Although the Childcare Survey was commissioned by DE, a range of other government departments may make use of the findings of the research to inform policy in Northern Ireland.
What types of personal information we process
The personal information we process may include:
- personal details (date of birth, home postcode)
- responses to surveys (employment and/or childcare information)
- we may process special categories (as defined in Article 9 of the General Data Protection Regulation) of information that may include:
- ethnicity
- physical or mental health details
We may also further process your data by matching and linking your survey responses with your data held by DE and other government departments to improve the quality and coverage of the final data. Where this is done, the data will be used and held in compliance with the Data Protection Act and General Data Protection Regulation, with all personal identifiers (such as name and address) removed from the final database after matching has occurred. The final anonymised database will be used for statistical and research purposes only.
Further Information
This statement is additional to the information provided in the NISRA privacy notice.
The NISRA Privacy Notice which provides additional information on how your personal information is processed and safeguarded and your rights as an individual can be accessed via the NISRA privacy notice.