2017 Mid Year Population Estimates for District Electoral Areas
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Site topics: Population
NISRA has today (21 February 2019) published the Mid-2017 Population Estimates for District Electoral Areas
NISRA has today (21 February 2019) published the Mid-2017 Population Estimates for District Electoral Areas within Northern Ireland. This is the first release of population estimates for District Electoral Areas. District Electoral Area estimates are available by sex and broad age bands (0-15, 16-39, 40-64 and 65+).
The key findings are:
- In mid-2017 the average size of a DEA in Northern Ireland was estimated to be 23,400 people, ranging from 14,900 in Erne West (Fermanagh and Omagh LGD) to 45,900 in Botanic (Belfast LGD).
- The DEA with the largest estimated proportion of people aged 65 and over in mid-2017 was Bangor East and Donaghadee (Ards and North Down LGD) at 23.9 per cent, while Botanic (Belfast LGD) had the smallest proportion of this age group at 8.8 per cent.
- Slieve Gullion (Newry, Mourne and Down LGD) had the largest proportion of children aged 0 to 15 years in mid-2017 at 26.3 per cent, while Botanic (Belfast LGD) had the smallest proportion at 13.4 per cent.
- All but seven DEAs in Northern Ireland had an estimated population growth between mid-2011 and mid-2017. The largest population growth occurred in Killultagh (Lisburn and Castlereagh LGD), increasing by 11.3 per cent (2,100 people).
- Among the seven DEAs that declined over the six year period to mid-2017, Three Mile Water (Antrim and Newtownabbey LGD) declined the most, with the estimated population falling by 2.1 per cent (400 people).
Further information including links to the statistical bulletin, tables and charts is available at: /publications/2017-mid-year-population-estimates-district-electoral-areas