Annual 2020 Alcohol-Specific Deaths statistics

Date published: 27 January 2022

Annual 2020 Alcohol-Specific Deaths statistics

NISRA has today released the annual Alcohol-specific deaths statistics for deaths registered in 2020 in Northern Ireland. 

Key points

  • The total number of alcohol-specific deaths registered in 2020 was 351. This was an increase of 15 from the previous year (336) and the highest since the start of the series, accounting for 2.0% of all deaths registered in 2020.
  • Almost two-thirds (66.4%) of the 351 deaths were male, and just over one third (33.6%) were female. Similarly, the age standardised mortality rate per 100,000 population of alcohol-specific deaths for males was twice that of the rate for females (24.9 and 12.3 respectively).
  • Alcohol-specific deaths continue to be more prevalent among the 45-54 and 55-64 age groups, which together accounted for 64.7% of all alcohol-specific deaths registered in 2020.
  • Belfast Health and Social Care (HSC) Trust continues to have the highest age-standardised rate of alcohol specific deaths of all the HSC Trust areas in Northern Ireland at 28.3 per 100,000 population in 2020.
  • The relationship between the rate of alcohol-specific deaths per 100,000 population and the level of deprivation remains the same in 2020 - as deprivation increases, so too does the rate of alcohol-specific deaths.
  • Alcohol specific deaths are deaths resulting from health conditions that are a direct consequence of alcohol misuse.

Further statistics on Alcohol-specific deaths can be found at the alcohol deaths web page. 

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