Construction Output Statistics: Q3-2020
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Site topics: Construction output statistics
Latest Q3 2020 Construction Statistics released today.
This statistical bulletin provides users with the latest estimates of construction output carried out in Northern Ireland for Q3-2020. It excludes work carried out by Northern Ireland Construction firms in other parts of the UK or elsewhere.
- The total volume of construction output in the third quarter of 2020 increased by 36.0% from the series low in Quarter 2 2020, was 5.3% lower than the same quarter in 2019 and 8.1% lower on a rolling four quarter basis. This follows a quarterly decrease of 30.3% in Quarter 2 2020.
- The quarterly increase of 36.0% in Quarter 3 2020 in construction output is the largest quarterly change on record.
- While the total volume of construction output in NI was on an upward trend between Q4 2013 and Q3 2018, recent quarters have shown a drop, with annual decreases in 5 of the last 6 quarters.
- The increase in overall output in Quarter 3 2020 from the previous quarter was driven by increases in New Work (32.8%) and Repair and Maintenance (31.7%).
- The output in Repair and Maintenance has shown annual decreases in 6 consecutive quarters since Quarter 2 2019.
- In Quarter 3 2020, all 3 construction sub-sectors (Housing, Infrastructure, Other work) showed an increase when compared with the previous quarter, where both Housing (33.8%) and Other Work (46.2%) have now recovered from series lows seen in Quarter 2 2020.