News story for training
Date published:
You must add some text here, though it will only be seen when the news story is featured on the home page.
You must add an introductory paragraph here. All page titles should be short and specific, and accurately describe the page content. The page title will become the URL so make sure it is unique and makes sense in isolation. A photo is required for every news story (and it should not just be an image of some text). Dissemination branch have created templates that you can use. You must also add alternative text to the photo when you upload it.
Heading 2
Always use a heading 2 at the start of the body text, and all other headings should follow a logical order.
Tips on writing on the Drupal website (heading 3)
The heading should not be: Tips on Writing on the Drupal Website
Use bulleted and numbered lists when appropriate.
- use short sentences (no more than 25 words per sentence) and short paragraphs (no more than 5 lines per paragraph) if possible
- the first time an acronym is used it has to be spelt out in full, such as Land & Property Services (LPS)
- don’t use abbreviations such as etc, eg, or ie, use "and so on", "for example" and "that is" instead
- write dates as 31 July 2021, not 31st July 2021
- headings should be sentence case (only capitalise the first word of a heading, unless the words are report titles or proper nouns)
- do not use italics, underscore or bold
Writing an email address (heading 3)
- Write the email address in full and with no capital letters
- Highlight the email address, and select the link icon in the toolbar
- Select email in the link type dropdown
- Type in the email address in the email address field (message subject and body are optional)
Writing a link (heading 3)
- links should only be written using an appropriate small group of words (not long phrases or sentences) and never using the URL (for example COVID-19 Health Statistics not
- links to other pages on the NISRA website should be set as internal path links, and the link text should be the same as the title of the page you are linking to (or as close as possible)
- links to pages outside the NISRA website (such as other departmental websites) should be set as URL links, and again the link text should be the same as the title of the page you are linking to (or as close as possible)
- never use link text such as "click here" or "read more" or similar generic link text
- if you are linking directly to any type of document, the size and document type (for example PDF 2MB) should be included in the link text – however you should avoid doing this by linking to a publication page instead
Writing an internal NISRA link (heading 4)
- Write the link text using an appropriate small group of words
- Highlight the link text and select the link icon in the toolbar
- Make sure link type is set to internal path, and start typing the title of the internal page in the link field
- When the page you want appears in the drop-down options, select it and then select OK
Writing an external link (heading 4)
- Write the link text using an appropriate small group of words
- Highlight the link text and select the link icon in the toolbar
- Make sure link type is set to URL, and paste in the URL of the external page in the URL field
- Also make sure the protocol field is correct (http:// or https://)
- Select OK
Moderation stages (heading 3)
News stories and publication pages both have three stages of moderation: Draft, Needs Review and Published. After you have saved the draft, you can apply the 'Needs Review' stage. Only after you have checked everything on the page (including links) should you apply 'Published'.
You can also schedule news stories and publication pages. This will be explained when we look at a publication page.
More information and further detail can be found in the NISRA Drupal user manual.