Date published:
Site topics: NI Summary Statistics
NISRA has today released a resource pack of key statistics covering a range of areas of life in Northern Ireland
NI: IN PROFILE is a resource pack of key statistics covering a range of areas of life in Northern Ireland.
The pack brings together a range of data into a single place and will be of interest to a broad audience, including policy makers in the public and private sector, students and academics, schools and the general public.
Statistics have primarily been sourced from across the Northern Ireland Statistics & Research Agency, however where official statistics are not available we have included statistics from other sources. The pack is intended to provide a high-level statistical summary of life in Northern Ireland and you will note that it does not include detailed commentary. If you wish to delve further into the detail of a particular statistic, you are encouraged to follow the links provided at the end of the pack.
Thanks are due to those NISRA statisticians who advised on the most appropriate statistics to include under their own area of expertise. The pack is available from the NISRA website.
As this is the first time that NISRA has produced NI: IN PROFILE we would appreciate any comments you may have. Please e-mail your comments to Niall.O’
NI: IN PROFILE is available at the link below: