Programme for Government (PfG) Wellbeing Dashboard
Date published:
Site topics: Programme for Government
On 5 September 2024, the Executive agreed a draft Programme for Government 2024-2027 ‘Our Plan: Doing What Matters Most’.
An eight-week public consultation process opened on 9 September 2024 and will end on 4 November 2024.
As part of the draft Programme for Government (PfG), NISRA statisticians have developed a Wellbeing dashboard to inform future iterations of the Programme for Government, which uses the latest NISRA data to show the wellbeing of people in Northern Ireland as individuals, communities and as a society across ten domains of wellbeing.
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We will work across the Executive to understand why the indicators within these domains are improving, staying the same or getting worse and use this analysis to inform future iterations of the Programme for Government.
We will engage with stakeholders and users to gather feedback on this dashboard and the indicator tables on the NISRA Data Portal.
Indicators will be reviewed regularly to ensure they remain relevant and appropriate. There will be ongoing development and iteration of these indicators to identify and address any potential gaps, and to improve or replace existing measures as necessary. We are already looking at how we report on pre-school readiness, court processing times, quality of jobs, labour productivity, and external sales.
We are keen to hear from users of the dashboard and you can contact us at or complete our short user survey if you have any feedback.
PfG Wellbeing dashboard
All of the datasets included in the PfG Wellbeing dashboard are available on the NISRA Data Portal.