Skills Mismatch in Northern Ireland 2022
Date published:
Site topics: Labour Market Survey, Work quality
A new publication examining the self-reported skill level of employees in Northern Ireland was released at 9:30am today.
Key points
- The majority of employees in both NI (51%) and the UK (49%) reported that their present skills correspond well with their duties, however employees in NI were significantly more likely to report this than those in the UK.
- Employees in NI were significantly less likely to report that they lack some of the skills required in their current duties when compared to the UK.
- When comparing by sex, age, and industry, there are little differences in reported skill level for employees in NI.
- For the majority of qualification levels a higher proportion of employees reported that they had the skills to cope with more demanding duties than employees with no qualifications.
- Those with A-level or equivalent qualifications had the largest proportion of employees reporting that they had the skills to cope with more demanding duties when compared to all other qualification levels.
The statistical bulletin and associated tables are available on the Skills Mismatch in Northern Ireland 2022 page.