Weekly deaths tables – week ending 30 December 2022 and 6 January 2023
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Site topics: Births, deaths and marriages, Deaths, Death Statistics, Weekly death registrations in Northern Ireland, Cause of Death, Covid-19 related deaths, Covid-19 related deaths in Northern Ireland
The tables containing data on deaths registered for the week ending 6 January 2023 were released at 9.30am today.
Excess deaths may be impacted by General Registration Office closures over public holidays on weeks 51 and 52 which can result in inflated/deflated excess death totals so should be treated with caution.
General Regstration offices were closed for 3 days on week 52 so total number of deaths registered should be treated with caution.
Key points
Date of registration
- The provisional number of total deaths registered in Northern Ireland in the week ending 6 January 2023 (week 53) was 474, 236 more than the previous week and 35 more than the 2017-2021 5-year average (439). Please note that the 5 year average for weeks 51 and 52 can be impacted in certain years by the Christmas public holidays when registration offices are closed.
- Nineteen deaths mentioning Covid-19 on the death certificate were registered in week 53 of 2022, 10 more than the previous week. These represented 4.0% of all deaths registered in that week.
- The total number of Covid-19 related deaths registered from the start of the pandemic was 5,053 by 6 January 2023.
- Since the beginning of the pandemic to 6 January 2023, the 75 years and over age-group accounted for almost two-thirds (65.4%) of all deaths and almost three-quarters (73.8%) of Covid-19 related deaths.
- Over the period of the pandemic, Armagh City, Banbridge & Craigavon District had a higher proportions of Covid-19 related deaths (12.2%) compared with their share of all deaths in Northern Ireland (10.3%).
Covid-19 deaths based on date of death
- 5,073 deaths mentioning Covid-19 on the death certificate have occurred in total from 18 March 2020 to 6 January 2023 (including those registered up to and including 11 January 2023).
- At time of reporting, 17 Covid-19 related deaths had occurred in week ending 6 January.
- Of these 5,073 deaths involving Covid-19, 3,547 (69.9%) took place in hospital, 1,041 (20.5%) in care homes and 485 (9.6%) at residential addresses, hospices or other locations.
A weekly deaths dashboard is also available.
The tables are available from the weekly deaths webpage.
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