Young Persons’ Behaviour & Attitudes Survey 2016
Date published:
A school-based study of the behaviour and attitudes of 11-16 year-olds in Northern Ireland.
The Young Persons’ Behaviour and Attitudes Survey (YPBAS) is a school-based study of the behaviour and attitudes of 11-16 year-olds in Northern Ireland. The latest round of the survey was conducted in Autumn 2016.
Key Points
- Over three quarters of respondents (77%) think you should eat 5 or more portions of fruit/vegetables each day to be healthy. Less than a fifth of respondents (16%) reported eating 5 or more portions of fruit/vegetables each day.
- Half of pupils (50%) think that their body size is about right, while 32% of girls compared to 24% of boys think they are too fat.
- Eighty four percent of pupils feel a certain amount of stress due to the school work they have to do.
- Five percent of pupils in Years 8, 9 and10 have smoked tobacco compared to 22% in Years 11&12.
- Just under a third of pupils (31%) have had an alcoholic drink. Almost half of these pupils (47%) were aged 13 or under when they had their first drink.
- Publication available here