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User requested Deaths data
Date published:
16 March 2021
Births, deaths and marriages
User Requested Data
Cause of Death
Alcohol Deaths
Drug-Related Deaths
Winter Mortality
Suicide Deaths
Stillbirths & Infant Deaths
Number of deaths by registration date, 2005 to 2010
Excel (40 KB)
Number of deaths by week of death and age, 2015-2021
Excel (46 KB)
Weekly Deaths in Northern Ireland, by Place of Death and LGD, 2015-2019
Excel (51 KB)
Covid-19 Registered deaths with diabetes, 2020
Excel (17 KB)
Carbon Monoxide deaths by age, LGD and cause of death, 2011-2016
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Deaths due to falls down stairs, 2015
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Deaths due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, 2001-2016
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Student suicides by sex, 2001-2020
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Suicide rates by 5 year age band and sex, 2013-2016
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Suicide rates by 10 year age band and sex, 2010-2015
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Alcohol deaths by age, sex and HSCT, 2006-2016
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Drug deaths by age, sex and substance, 2006-2016
Excel (45 KB)
Asthma deaths, 2012-2016
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Age-Standardised suicide rate, 2001-2016
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Excess Winter Mortality (EWM) index for Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, 2001/02-2017/18
Excel (22 KB)
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