Quarterly Supplement to the Labour Market Report

Date published: 30 November 2017


Latest statistics for July-September 2017

The Quarterly Supplement provides a more detailed range of statistics from the Labour Force Survey than is available from the monthly Labour Market Report including information disaggregated by gender, age and by Local Government District.

Key Points

  • In July - September 2017, the unemployment rate for males was 5.0% compared with 2.8% for females.
  • There were an estimated 798,000 persons, aged 16-64, in employment in Northern Ireland in July – September 2017.
  • At 76%, the 16-64 economic activity rate for males in July - September 2017 was 10 percentage points higher than that for females (66%). The current differential between the activity rates of males and females has decreased from a 14 percentage point gap ten years ago.
  • The July - September 2017 economic inactivity rate (16-64) was higher for females (34%) than males (24%).
  • In July - September 2017, there were 24,000 young people (aged from 16 to 24) in Northern Ireland who were NEET. 
  • Economically active aged 16-64 were more likely to be educated to a higher level than economically inactive.
  • Just over one in five persons (21%) of working age in Northern Ireland had a disability.
  • The number of self-employed people increased by 14,000 (13%) in the period 2007 to 2017.  This is driven by an increase in the number of self-employed females.
  • The number of Northern Ireland graduates has increased by 11% in the last five years, to 267,000 in July - September 2017.
  • Full report.

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