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Birth Statistics
Date published:
21 November 2022
Births, deaths and marriages
Births 1887-2021
Excel (28 KB)
Births by Sex 1887-2021
Excel (31 KB)
Births by Marital Status 1887-2021
Excel (33 KB)
Births by Mothers Age 1974-2021
Excel (57 KB)
Births by Health Trust 1974-2021
Excel (27 KB)
Births by 11 Council Areas 2008-2021
Excel (27 KB)
Births by Month and Day of Week 2021
Excel (35 KB)
Average Age of Mothers and First-Time Mothers, 1979-2021
Excel (29 KB)
Age-Specific Fertility Rates by 11 Council Areas, 2008-2021
Excel (69 KB)
Births Microdata 2012
Excel (3.8 MB)
Births Microdata 2012 - User Guide
PDF (333 KB)
Births 1887-2021 - ODS
OpenDocument Spreadsheet (10 KB)
Births by Sex 1887-2021 - ODS
OpenDocument Spreadsheet (14 KB)
Births by Marital Status 1887-2021 - ODS
OpenDocument Spreadsheet (19 KB)
Births by Mothers Age 1974-2021 - ODS
OpenDocument Spreadsheet (48 KB)
Births by Health Trust 1974-2021 - ODS
OpenDocument Spreadsheet (11 KB)
Births by 11 Council Areas 2008-2021 - ODS
OpenDocument Spreadsheet (10 KB)
Births by Month and Day of Week 2021 - ODS
OpenDocument Spreadsheet (12 KB)
Average Age of Mothers and First-Time Mothers, 1979-2021 - ODS
OpenDocument Spreadsheet (9 KB)
Age-Specific Fertility Rates by 11 Council Areas, 2008-2021 - ODS
OpenDocument Spreadsheet (28 KB)
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