Date published:
Statistics: 2001 Census, Results
This theme includes census topics such as population density, sex, dependent children, marital status, household composition, and living arrangements.
Data are available at a number of geographical levels including Census Output Area (COA), Ward, District Council (DC), Parliamentary Constituencies (PC), NUTS Level III (NUTS3), Education and Library Board (ELB), Health and Social Services Board (HSSB), and Northern Ireland.
View other univariate tables by theme, files are in Excel format:
- ethnicity, identity, language and religion
- health
- labour market
- qualifications
- travel to work
- housing
- migration
View all five key statistics tables on demography.
View the supporting documents associated with the initial release of this data.
Information on the different publication phases for this release can be found on the 2001 Census - Results page.
You can also download the 2001 Census table lookups to search all 2001 Census tables by topic.
- UV001 Total Population
- UV002 Population Density
- UV003 Sex
- UV005 Schoolchildren and Students in Full-Time Education Living Away from Home in Term-Time
- UV006 Number and Age of Dependent Children
- UV007 Marital Status
- UV046 Household Composition (Persons)
- UV047 Household Composition (Persons) (Alternative Classification)
- UV051 Number of Persons Living In Households
- UV065 Household Composition (Households)
- UV066 Household Composition (Households) (Alternative Classification)
- UV082 Living Arrangements
- UV093 Same Sex Couples
- UV095 Age (Single Year)
- UV096 Age (5 Year)
- UV111 Number of Dependent Children (Households)
- UV112 Number of Dependent Children (Families)