NICEI publication and tables Q3 2023

Date published: 11 January 2024

  • NICEI Q3 2023 bulletins, charts and tables
  • NICEI Q3 2023 combined statistical press release


NISRA recently consulted on proposed changes to statistical outputs, this output was part of that consultation. The consultation, which ended on 15 October, sought views from users and stakeholders to help NISRA to address the financial constraints imposed by the budget settlement for 2023-24, whilst minimising the impact on users and stakeholders. The full report on the outcome of the consultation, including users’ responses, actions planned and mitigations, can be found on the consultation webpage.

We are proposing: The statistical bulletin will be reduced to headline results only; some detailed analysis and economic commentary will be removed. The bulletin will be reduced from 19 pages to approximately 5 pages. Data will continue to be provided in the existing supplementary tables, with the number of supplementary tables remaining the same (approximately 12 tables).

Action:NISRA recognises the value that users place on this release and the importance of an authoritative, independent view of developments in the economy of Northern Ireland. Users are reminded that NISRA also produce a range of economic dashboards that are updated regularly and which also provide an overview of key economic, business and labour market trends. These are available on the NISRA Economic Overview page.

Date proposed change will come into effect: 11 January 2024