Date published:
Statistics: Census, 2021 Census, Results, Alternative populations
These Census 2021 daytime population tables provide estimates of usual residents in Northern Ireland who are either in employment or full-time students in the area, or are neither in employment nor full-time students but live in the area.
Data are available for a range of different geographical breakdowns, including Local Government District (LGD) and Super Data Zone (SDZ).
Read the statistical bulletin that accompanies this publication.
Related alternative populations tables
- workplace tables
- CT0102 Census 2021 populations
- CT0103 Reconciliation of daytime population
- CT0104 Reconciliation of workplace population
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- APDT001 Daytime population
- APDT002 Components of daytime population
- APDT003 Population density (daytime)
- APDT004 Single year of age by sex (daytime)
- APDT005 Marital and civil partnership status (daytime)
- APDT006 Ethnic group (daytime)
- APDT007 Racial equality (The Executive Office) (daytime)
- APDT008 Sexual orientation (daytime)
- APDT009 Country of birth - intermediate detail (daytime)
- APDT010 Main language (daytime)
- APDT011 Irish language skills (daytime)
- APDT012 Ulster-Scots language skills (daytime)
- APDT013 Religion (daytime)
- APDT014 Religion or religion brought up in (daytime)
- APDT015 Passports held (person based) - (classification 1) (daytime)
- APDT016 Passports held (passports based) - (classification 2) (daytime)
- APDT017 General health (daytime)
- APDT018 Long-term health problem or disability (daytime)
- APDT019 Tenure (daytime)
- APDT020 Number of dependent children in household (daytime)
- APDT021 Highest level of qualifications (daytime)
- APDT022 Economic activity (daytime)
- APDT023 Hours worked (daytime)
- APDT024 Industry (daytime)
- APDT025 Occupation (2-digit minor groups) (daytime)
- APDT026 National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SeC) (daytime)
- APDT027 Approximated Social Grade (daytime)
- APDT028 Distance travelled to work or place of study (daytime)
- APDT029 Method of travel to work or place of study (daytime)
- APDT030 Year of arrival to live in Northern Ireland (daytime)