2011 Census table metadata
Metadata for 2011 Census Key and Quick statistics output tables
Date published:
Statistics: 2011 Census
- KS101NI: Usual Resident Population
- KS102NI: Age Structure
- KS103NI: Marital and Civil Partnership Status
- KS104NI: Living Arrangements
- KS105NI: Household Composition
- KS106NI: All Households with: Adults not in Employment; Dependent Children; and Persons with Long-Term Health Problem or Disability
- KS107NI: Lone Parent Households with Dependent Children
- KS201NI: Ethnic Group
- KS202NI: National Identity (Classification 1)
- KS203NI: National Identity (Classification 2)
- KS204NI: Country of Birth
- KS205NI: Passports Held (Classification 1)
- KS206NI: Passports Held (Classification 2)
- KS207NI: Main Language
- KS208NI: Household Language
- KS209NI: Knowledge of Irish
- KS210NI: Knowledge of Ulster-Scots
- KS211NI: Religion
- KS212NI: Religion or Religion Brought Up In
- KS301NI: Health and Provision of Unpaid Care
- KS302NI: Type of Long-Term Condition
- KS401NI: Dwellings, Household Spaces and Accommodation Type
- KS402NI: Tenure and Landlord
- KS403NI: Household Size
- KS404NI: Central Heating
- KS405NI: Car or Van Availability
- KS406NI: Adaptation to Accommodation
- KS407NI: Communal Establishment Residents and Long-Term Health Problem or Disability
- KS501NI: Qualifications and Students
- KS601NI: Economic Activity
- KS602NI: Economic Activity - Males
- KS603NI: Economic Activity - Females
- KS604NI: Hours Worked
- KS605NI: Industry of Employment
- KS606NI: Industry of Employment - Males
- KS607NI: Industry of Employment - Females
- KS608NI: Occupation
- KS609NI: Occupation - Males
- KS610NI: Occupation - Females
- KS611NI: National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SeC)
- KS612NI: National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SeC) - Males
- KS613NI: National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SeC) - Females
- KS701NI: Method of Travel to Work (Resident Population)
- KS702NI: Method of Travel to Work or Place of Study (Resident Population)
- KS801NI: Usual Residents Born in Northern Ireland Who Have Resided Elsewhere, and Short-Term Residents
- QS101NI: Residence Type
- QS102NI: Population Density
- QS103NI: Age - Single Year
- QS104NI: Age - 5 Year
- QS105NI: Sex
- QS106NI: Schoolchildren and Students in Full-Time Education Living Away from Home During Term Time
- QS107NI: Living Arrangements
- QS108NI: Adult Lifestage (Alternative Adult Definition)
- QS109NI: Household Lifestage
- QS110NI: Household Composition - Usual Residents
- QS111NI: Household Composition - Households
- QS112NI: Household Composition (Alternative Child and Adult Definitions) - Usual Residents
- QS113NI: Household Composition (Alternative Child and Adult Definitions) - Households
- QS114NI: All Usual Residents Aged 18 to 64 in Single Adult Households
- QS115NI: Families with Dependent Children
- QS116NI: Number of Dependent Children - Households
- QS117NI: Number of Dependent Children - Families
- QS201NI: Ethnic Group - Full Detail
- QS202NI: Ethnic Group of Household Reference Person (HRP) - 6 Way Classification
- QS203NI: Ethnic Group of Household Reference Person (HRP) - 12 Way Classification
- QS204NI: Multiple Ethnic Groups
- QS205NI: National Identity - Full Detail
- QS206NI: Country of Birth - Full Detail
- QS207NI: Country of Birth - Basic Detail
- QS208NI: Country of Birth - Intermediate Detail
- QS209NI: Passports Held - Full Detail
- QS210NI: Main Language - Full Detail
- QS211NI: Proficiency in English
- QS212NI: Irish Language Skills
- QS213NI: Ulster-Scots Language Skills
- QS214NI: Knowledge of Irish - Intermediate Detail
- QS215NI: Knowledge of Ulster-Scots - Intermediate Detail
- QS216NI: Knowledge of Irish - Full Detail
- QS217NI: Knowledge of Ulster-Scots - Full Detail
- QS218NI: Religion - Full Detail
- QS219NI: Religion of Household Reference Person (HRP)
- QS220NI: Religion or Religion Brought Up In of Household Reference Person (HRP)
- QS221NI: Religion or Religion Brought Up In Structure of Household
- QS301NI: Provision of Unpaid Care
- QS302NI: General Health
- QS303NI: Long-Term Health Problem or Disability
- QS401NI: Accommodation Type - Usual Residents
- QS402NI: Accommodation Type - Households
- QS403NI: Tenure - Usual Residents
- QS404NI: Tenure where Household Reference Person (HRP) Aged 65 and Over
- QS405NI: Tenure - Households
- QS406NI: Number of Rooms
- QS407NI: Occupancy Rating - Rooms
- QS408NI: Persons per Room - Households
- QS409NI: Persons per Room - Usual Residents
- QS410NI: Household Spaces
- QS411NI: Dwellings
- QS412NI: Position in Communal Establishment
- QS413NI: Communal Establishment Management and Type - Communal Establishments
- QS414NI: Communal Establishment Management and Type - Usual Residents
- QS601NI: Economic Activity
- QS602NI: Economic Activity of Household Reference Person (HRP)
- QS603NI: Economic Activity - Full-Time students
- QS604NI: Industry - Manufacturing Detail
- QS605NI: Occupation - Minor Groups
- QS606NI: National Statistics Socio-economic Classification (NS-SeC)
- QS607NI: NS-SeC of Household Reference Person (HRP) - Usual Residents Aged Under 65
- QS608NI: NS-SeC of Household Reference Person (HRP) - Usual Residents
- QS609NI: NS-SeC of Household Reference Person (HRP) Aged Under 65 - Usual Residents
- QS610NI: Year Last Worked
- QS611NI: Approximated Social Grade - Household Reference Person (HRP) Aged 16 to 64
- QS801NI: Year of Most Recent Arrival in Northern Ireland (Born outside Northern Ireland)
- QS802NI: Age of Most Recent Arrival in Northern Ireland (Born outside Northern Ireland)
- QS803NI: Country of Previous Residence (Born outside Northern Ireland)
- QS804NI: Ethnic Group (Born in Northern Ireland)
- QS805NI: Religion (Born in Northern Ireland)
- QS806NI: Religion or Religion Brought Up In (Born in Northern Ireland)