ASHE downloadable tables 2017
Date published:
- Figure 1: Median gross weekly earnings for full-time employees in NI and the UK, April 1997 to 2017
- Figure 2: Median full-time gross weekly earnings in current and constant (2017) prices, April 2005 to 2017
- Figure 3: Distribution of gross weekly earnings for full-time employees in NI, April 1997 to 2017
- Figure 4: Median gross weekly earnings for full-time employees in NI by occupation, April 2017
- Figure 5: Median gross weekly earnings for full-time employees in NI by industry, April 2017
- Figure 6: Median gross weekly earnings for full-time employees in NI and the UK in the public and private sectors, April 1997 to 2017
- Figure 7: Median gross hourly earnings excluding overtime, for full-time employees in NI by gender, April 1997 to 2017
- Figure 8: Distribution of gross nominal hourly earnings excluding overtime, April 2007 and April 2017
- Figure 9: Median hourly earnings excluding overtime in NI by gender, April 1997 to 2017
- Figure 10: Median gross hourly earnings excluding overtime for full-time employees in NI by occupation and gender, April 2017
- Figure 11: Median gross hourly earnings excluding overtime for full-time females as a percentage of full-time male earnings, April 1997 to 2017
- Figure 12: Median gross annual earnings for full-time employees in NI by gender, April 1999 to 2017
- Table 1: Median total weekly paid hours worked by full and part-time employees in NI by gender, April 2016 to April 2017
- Table 2: Percentage of employees working overtime and median weekly overtime hours worked by full and part-time employees in NI by gender, April 2016 to 2017