Date published:
- Figure 1: Median gross weekly earnings for full-time employees in NI and the UK, April 2000 to April 2020
- Figure 2: Median gross weekly earnings for full-time employees in nominal and real (2020) terms, April 2010 to April 2020
- Figure 3: Distribution of total weekly paid hours for all employees in NI, April 2020
- Figure 4: Median gross weekly earnings for full-time employees in NI by work and home LGD, April 2020
- Figure 5: Median gross weekly earnings for full-time employees in NI by age group, April 2020
- Figure 6: Median gross weekly earnings for full-time employees in NI by occupation, April 2020
- Figure 7: Median gross weekly earnings for full-time employees in NI by industry, April 2020
- Figure 8: Median gross weekly earnings for full-time employees in NI and the UK in the public and private sectors, April 2000 to April 2020
- Figure 9: Median gross weekly earnings for public and private sector full-time employees, April 2019 and April 2020
- Figure 10: Gross hourly earnings distribution for all employees and furloughed employees with reduced earnings in NI, April 2002 to April 2020
- Figure 11: Proportion of low-paid and high-paid employee jobs in NI, April 2000 to April 2020
- Figure 12: Proportion of low-paid and high-paid employee jobs in NI by occupation, April 2020
- Figure 13: Proportion of low and high paid employee jobs by working pattern in NI, 2020
- Figure 14: Ratio of high-paid to low-paid employee jobs, by Government region, April 2020
- Figure 15: Gender Pay Gap for full-time employees in NI and the UK, April 2000 to April 2020
- Figure 16: Median gross hourly earnings excluding overtime for full-time employees in NI by sector and gender, April 2000 to April 2020
- Figure 17: Median gross hourly earnings excluding overtime by gender in NI, April 2020
- Figure 18: Median gross hourly earnings excluding overtime by working pattern and Occupation in NI, 2020
- Figure 19: Median gross hourly earnings excluding overtime for all employees in NI by age and gender, April 2020
- Figure 20: Median gross hourly earnings excluding overtime for all employees in NI by occupation and gender, April 2020
- Figure 21: Median weekly paid hours worked by working pattern and gender, NI, April 2020