BRES downloadable tables 2016
Date published:
- Figure 1 - Change of employee jobs by broad industry, Sept 2015 to Sept 2016
- Figure 2 - Employee jobs public/private sector split, Sept 2015 to Sept 2016
- Figure 3 - Proportion of employee jobs by broad industry, Sept 2016
- Figure 4 - Percentage of employee jobs by sex and work pattern, Sept 2016
- Figure 5 - Proportion of public and private sector employee jobs, Sept 2016
- Figure 6 - Percentage change in public and private sector employee jobs by sex and work pattern, Sept 2015 to Sept 2016
- Figure 8 - Percentage change in the number of employee jobs by District Council Area, Sept 2015 to Sept 2016
- Graphic Table 1 - Employee jobs by broad industry, Sept 2015 to Sept 2016
- Table 1 - Employee jobs by broad industry, Sept 2015 to Sept 2016
- Table 2 - Employee jobs by sex and work pattern, 2016
- Table 3 - Employee jobs (excluding agriculture) by District Council Area, 2015 and 2016
- Table 4 - Change in total employment in Northern Ireland, Sept 2015 to Sept 2016
- Table 5: Employee jobs by DCA and broad industry with percentage change Sept 2015 to Sept 2016