Date published:
Statistics: 2021 Census, Results, Main statistics
Correction notice (9 May 2024): We have made a number of corrections to data published in Table 3a and Table 3b, and the accompanying wording in ‘Statistical bulletin - household relationships’, along with relevant sections in the press release and briefing. This was a result of the misclassification of historical data, further details are presented in DC005 of the Census 2021 Quality notes, issues and corrections page.
This phase provides estimatesestimates for a number of census topics, including: marital and civil partnership status, household composition and living arrangements, sexual orientation, qualifications, labour market, travel to work or study, communal establishments, and migration.
View tables in this release:
- demography – household relationships
- ethnicity
- language
- religion
- sexual orientation
- communal establishments
- qualifications
- labour market
- travel to work or study
- migration
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Useful information
Infographics are available for Local Government Districts and Northern Ireland.
Supporting information, including a list of census outputs definitions and a set of frequently asked questions, are available via our Reference materials page.
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- Statistical bulletin - communal establishments
- Statistical bulletin - household relationships [UPDATED 9 May 2024]
- Statistical bulletin - labour market
- Statistical bulletin - migration
- Statistical bulletin - place of work or study
- Statistical bulletin - qualifications
- Statistical bulletin - sexual orientation
- Press release [UPDATED 9 May 2024]
- Census 2021 main statistics for Northern Ireland (phase 3) report
- Briefing [UPDATED 9 May 2024]