Date published:
‘Census area explorer 2021 and 2011 data’ contains a flat file of 2021 and 2011 Census data, at Local Government District level.
The other census area explorer data files contain flat files of Census 2021 data related to that census topic. Data are available for a number of geographic levels including, Data Zones, Super Data Zones, District Electoral Areas, and Local Government Districts.
View the census area explorer.
- Census area explorer 2021 and 2011 data [Updated 13 September 2023]
- Census area explorer - area information data (2021)
- Census area explorer - demography data (2021)
- Census area explorer - country of birth and nationality data (2021)
- Census area explorer - language data (2021)
- Census area explorer - religion and ethnicity data (2021) [New]
- Census area explorer - health and care data (2021)
- Census area explorer - housing and accommodation data (2021)
- Census area explorer - household structure data (2021) [Updated 13 September 2023]
- Census area explorer - marital and civil partnership status data (2021)
- Census area explorer - sexual orientation data (2021)
- Census area explorer - labour market and qualifications data (2021)
- Census area explorer - travel to work or study data (2021)
- Census area explorer - migration data (2021)