We encourage you to refer to our table lookups for assistance in locating the specific information you need:
You can also try our Flexible Table Builder to create your own custom Census 2021 tables.
Please note the creation of commissioned tables is constrained by:
- information that is available
- availability of skilled staff to compile them
- any similarities to what NISRA has already released or plans to release
- statistical disclosure control
How to request information
We recommend that you review the census table lookups before submitting your commissioned table request. This will ensure that the information you require is not already available in our published tables.
You can also use our Flexible Table Builder to create your own Census 2021 table.
If the data you require is not available through these resources please email census customer services with the following information:
- census year
- variables required (for example, age, religion, qualifications)
- any specific breakdown (for example, five-year age bands)
- dataset population (for example, usual residents, households, usual residents aged 18 years and over)
- geographical level (for example, Northern Ireland, Local Government District)
Charging policy and copyright
We may apply a charge for this service, depending on what you need and how long it would take us. A definitive cost will not be provided until a final specification has been agreed. The customer may be liable for any costs incurred if the order is cancelled at any time.
Once we have created the tables, we publish them for all to use under Open Government Licence. Tables will be published on the NISRA website.
Confidentiality considerations
Please note all requests are subject to confidentiality considerations in accordance with the agreed statistical disclosure control methodology (PDF, 168 KB). In some instances, this may result in the need to collapse categories, raise geographical levels, or introduce minimum population thresholds to maintain respondent confidentiality. We will be unable to fulfil a request if the information is disclosive.
Timescale for response to initial request
Census Office will aim to respond to all requests for commissioned tables within 10 working days of receiving the request.
Production and supply of the commissioned table(s) will depend on several factors including:
- length of time required to finalise table specification with the requesting customer
- complexity of the request
- production of pre-planned outputs