CHS Carers
Continuous Household Survey asks questions on topics, such as internet access, environment, tourism, libraries, health, sport and education.
Date published:
Statistics: Central Survey Unit - contact us
The Survey is designed to provide a regular source of information on a wide range of issues relevant to Northern Ireland. It has been running since 1983, with recent results covering housing characteristics, changing population, tourism, participation in sports, arts and culture and attitudes towards the environment. We are carrying-out this survey for a number of Government Departments and Agencies.
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Carers Results Tables
- 12.1 Prevalence of carers by sex and age, 2000-01
- 12.2 Prevalence of carers by marital status, 2000-01
- 12.3 Prevalence of carers by dependent children, 2000-01
- 12.4 Prevalence of carers by religion, 2000-01
- 12.5 Sex by hours spent caring, 2000-01
- 12.6 Age by hours spent caring, 2000-01
- 12.7 Marital status by hours spent caring, 2000-01
- 12.8 Dependent children by hours spent caring, 2000/01
- 12.9 Religion by hours spent caring, 2000-01