CHS Results
Continuous Household Survey asks questions on topics, such as internet access, environment, tourism, libraries, health, sport and education.
Date published:
Statistics: Central Survey Unit - contact us
The Survey is designed to provide a regular source of information on a wide range of issues relevant to Northern Ireland. It has been running since 1983, with recent results covering housing characteristics, changing population, tourism, participation in sports, arts and culture and attitudes towards the environment. We are carrying-out this survey for a number of Government Departments and Agencies.
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Following a review of data previously released on 21 October 2021, there have been some changes made to the Continuous Household Survey tables (see Continuous Household Survey Result Tables Revision Notice in the documents section)
Result tables are available below for the following topics.
- Household Composition
- Individual Demographics
- Accommodation and Tenure
- Families and Children
- Internet Access
- Access to Cars
For Tourism Statistics please contact:
Joanne Henderson
For Sports, Arts and Leisure Statistics please contact:
Iain Bryson
028 9051 5431
- Household Composition - Number of persons in the household
- Household Composition - Number of Persons in Household (CSV format)
- Household Composition - Household Type
- Household Composition - Household Type (CSV format)
- Household Composition - Age and Sex of Head of Household.xls
- Household Composition - Age and Sex of Head of Household (CSV format)
- Household Composition - Age and Sex of household members
- Household Composition - Age and Sex of Household Members (CSV format)
- Individual Demographics - Religion of household members
- Individual Demographics - Religion of household members (CSV format)
- Individual Demographics - Sexual Identity
- Individual Demographics - Sexual Identity (CSV format)
- Accommodation and Tenure - Household Tenure
- Accomodation and Tenure - Household Tenure (CSV format)
- Internet Access - Home Internet Access
- Internet Access - Home Internet Access (CSV format)
- Internet Access - Home Broadband Access
- Internet Access - Home Broadband Access (CSV format)
- Access to Cars - Car Ownership or Access
- Access to Cars - Car Ownership or Access (CSV format)
- Continuous Household Survey Result Tables Revision Notice