Date published:
Statistics: Index of Services
NISRA recently consulted on proposed changes to statistical outputs, this output was part of that consultation. The consultation, which ended on 15 October, sought views from users and stakeholders to help NISRA to address the financial constraints imposed by the budget settlement for 2023-24, whilst minimising the impact on users and stakeholders. The full report on the outcome of the consultation, including users’ responses, actions planned and mitigations, can be found on the consultation webpage.
Northern Ireland Quarterly Index of Services Proposal: The statistical bulletin will be reduced to headline results only. The bulletin will be reduced from 17 pages to approximately 5 pages. Additionally, the Retail Sales Index statistics will be included in this bulletin rather than a separate one. Data will continue to be provided in the existing supplementary tables, with the number of supplementary tables remaining the same (15 Index of Services tables and 5 Retail Sales Index tables).
Northern Ireland Quarterly Index of Services Action: NISRA welcomes the positive feedback that users provided on this release, and we understand the concerns raised about the proposed changes. In view of ongoing financial pressures, NISRA will proceed with scaling back the statistical bulletin as planned. However, the position will be kept under review.
Northern Ireland Quarterly Retail Sales Index Proposal: The statistical bulletin will no longer be produced, the Retail Sales Index headline figures and scaled back commentary will be included in the Index of Services bulletin. The Retail Sales Index supplementary tables will continue to be published along with the Index of Services output (approximately 5 tables).
Northern Ireland Quarterly Retail Sales Index Action: NISRA will proceed with plans to stop producing an RSI bulletin and instead include it in the Index of Services bulletin, ensuring that users are appropriately informed of the change.
Date proposed change will come into effect: 14 December 2023.
Tables are available in XLSX and ODS.