Date published:
- Figure 1: Labour Market Structure: Change over year, April-June 2018
- Figure 2: Seasonally adjusted unemployment rate, Apr-Jun 2008 to Apr-Jun 2018
- Figure 3: Seasonally adjusted claimant count monthly rates, July 2008 - July 2018
- Figure 4: Confirmed and Proposed redundancies – annual totals, 07/08-17/18 (Aug-Jul)
- Figure 5: Seasonally adjusted employment rate, Apr-Jun 2008 to Apr-Jun 2018
- Figure 6: Index of Employee Jobs, March 2008 - March 2018
- Figure 7: Index of NI Private and Public Sector Jobs, March 2008 - March 2018
- Figure 8: Seasonally adjusted economic inactivity rates (16-64), Apr-Jun 2008 to Apr-Jun 2018
- Figure 9: Median gross weekly earning for full-time employees, 1997 - 2017
- Figure 10: Median Gross Weekly Earnings in Northern Ireland by place of work, 2017
- Table 1: Northern Ireland Labour Market Summary
- Table 2: Monthly Notified Vacancies
- Table 3: Sampling variable of labour market estimates, April-June 2018