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NIETS 2021 downloadable tables
Date published:
14 December 2022
NI Economic Trade
Official Statistics
Figure 1 - Sales by broad destination, 2011 to 2021 (£ billions)
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Figure 2 - Annual rate of growth of sales to broad destinations 2011 to 2021
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Figure 4 - Sales to individual REU and ROW countries, 2021 (£ millions)
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Figure 5 - Export sales by industry section, 2021 (£ millions)
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Figure 6 - Sales and exports split by goods and services, 2011 to 2021 (£ billions)
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Figure 7 - Goods and services, as a proportion of sales, to each destination, 2021
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Figure 8 - Purchases and imports of goods and services by trade partner, 2021 (£ billion)
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Figure 9 - Purchases by trade partner, 2011 to 2021 (£ billions)
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Figure 10 - Purchases and imports split by goods and services, 2011 to 2021 (£ billions)
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Figure 11 - Imports by Industry Section 2021 (£ millions)
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Figure 12 - Exports, imports and trade balance, 2011 to 2021 (£ billions)
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Figure 13 - Trade balance by industry section 2021 (£ millions)
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Figure 14 - Trade and balance of trade by trade partner 2021 (£ billions)
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Table 1 - Purchases and imports from trade partners split by goods and services 2021 (£ millions)
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Table 2 - Exports, imports and trade balance split by goods and services 2021 (£ billions)
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