Registrar General Annual Report 2015 Birth Tables
Date published:
Statistics: Births, deaths and marriages, Registrar General Annual Report
- 3.1 Live births, numbers and percentages, by age of mother and marital status of parents, 1976 to 2015
- 3.2 Live births by number of previous children and marital status of parents, 1981 to 2015
- 3.3 Multiple births (live and still), by age of mother, sex and type of confinement, 2015
- 3.4 Birth rate and gross and net reproduction rates, 1971 to 2015
- 3.5 Age-specific fertility rates, (five year age bands), 1974 to 2015
- 3.6 Age-specific fertility rates, (single years), 1979 to 2015
- 3.7a Live births by Administrative Area, month of registration and sex, 2015
- 3.8a Births, general fertility rates and TPFRs by Adminstrative Area, 2004 to 2015
- 3.8b Births, general fertility rates and TPFRs by the new 11 Adminstrative Areas, 2004 to 2015
- 3.9 Live births within marriage by sex, age of mother and duration of marriage, 2015
- 3.10 Live births, stillbirths and maternities, by sex of child, marital status of parents and age of mother, 2015
- 3.11a Live births by marital status of parents and Administrative Area, 2015
- 3.11b Live births by marital status of parents and the new 11 Adminstrative Areas, 2015
- 3.12 Live births, stillbirths and maternities per 1,000 women, by sex of child, marital status of parents and age of mother, 2015
- 3.13a Live births by NS-SeC and Administrative Area, 2015
- 3.13b Live births by NS-SeC and the new 11 Adminstrative Areas, 2015
- 3.14 Live births by NS-SeC and age of mother, 2015
- 3.15 Births by country of birth of mother, 1997 to 2015
- 3.16 Births by country of birth of mother and country of birth of father, 2015
- 3.17 Cumulative fertility by female birth cohort and selected age, 2015
- 3.18 Live births by sex of child, marital status of parents and age of father, 2015
- 3.19 Live births by age of mother and age of father, 2015
- 3.20 Births by place of birth, 2004 to 2015
- 3.21a Percentage of live births to non-UK born mother by Administrative Area, 2004 to 2015
- 3.21b Percentage of live births to non-UK born mothers by the new 11 Adminstrative Areas, 2004 to 2015
- 3.22 Births by detailed country of birth of mother, 2015