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Registrar General Annual Report 2015 Key Points Tables
Date published:
31 March 2015
Births, Deaths and Marriages
Registrar General Annual Report
1.1 Population and Vital Events, 1926 to 2015
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1.2 Births, stillbirths, deaths, and marriages, numbers and rates, quarterly, 2000 to 2015
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1.3 Estimated population, births, stillbirths, deaths and marriages, numbers and rates, by Administrative Area, 2015
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1.4 Births, birth rates, deaths and death rates, by Administrative Area, resident and not resident, 2015
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1.5 Estimated population by Health and Social Care Trust, 2015
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1.6 Live births, resident and not resident, birth rates and Total Period Fertility Rates, by Health and Social Care Trust, 2015
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1.7 Deaths, resident and not resident, death rates and standardised death rates, by Heralth and Social Care Trust, 2015
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1.8 Standardised Mortality Rations (based on Northern Ireland experience) for selected causes, by Health and Social Care Trust, 2015
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1.9 International populations and vital statistics rates, selected countries, latest available figures
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1.10a Population comparison with other countries of the United Kingdom, 1985-2015
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1.10b Population comparison with other countries of the United Kingdom by age and sex, 2015
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1.10c Births comparison with other countries of the United Kingdom, 1985-2015
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1.10d Deaths comparison with other countries of the United Kingdom, 1985-2015
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1.10e Stillbirth and infant death comparison with other countries of the United Kingdom, 1985-2015
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