Date published:
- Figure 1: Total NI Expenditure in Real Terms 2012, 2015-2017
- Figure 2: Percentage of Total BERD Expenditure by Company Size 2012, 2016 – 2017
- Figure 3: Total BERD Expenditure by SMEs and Large Companies 2012, 2016-2017
- Figure 4: Total BERD Expenditure by Local and Externally Owned Companies 2012, 2016-2017
- Figure 5: Deciles of Estimates as a Percentage of 2017 BERD
- Table 1: Total NI R&D Expenditure in Cash Terms 2015-2017
- Table 2: In-House Expenditure by UK Businesses by Country or Region, 2016-2017
- Table 3: In-House R&D Expenditure by UK Business as a Proportion of GVA
- Table 4: Size of Revisions to Previously Published Data, 2015 – 2016