Small area income deprivation estimates using microsimulation
Small area income deprivation estimates:
Date published:
Statistics: Deprivation, Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2010 (NIMDM2010)
This commissioned research report describes the estimation of the incidence of income poverty as measured by the proportion of households whose income is below 60% of the UK median household income (%HHBMI) for each SOA in Northern Ireland using a spatial microsimulation technique.
It presents the results for 2005 using the FRS 2004/5 and the UK Census 2001 for unequivalised gross income and secondly results for 2003-5 using the pooled 2003-4 and 2004-5 FRS for equivalised net household income before housing costs. It also discusses the results of validation against the source FRS and against other sources of small area income indicators including the NIMDM 2005 income domain score, and the Experian 2005 median income estimates. The report concludes with a summary of the findings and recommendations for further work.