17 publications
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Publication topic
NI Economic Accounts Project - 2019 and 2020 Experimental Results
Data from 2017 for SUTs, Input-Output Analytical Tables and Multipliers are also available here.
NI Economic Accounts Project - 2018 and 2019 Experimental Results
GDP estimates, Supply-Use Tables, Input-Output Analytical Tables and industry multipliers.
Quality and revisions documents - IOP
Index of Production (IOP) quality reports and latest revisions policy (March 2016).
Methodological notice - change of base year
Northern Ireland construction output statistics
Construction Output Statistics - Historical
Northern Ireland Construction Output Statistics Historical Data
Methodology and usage - IOP
The NI Index of Production is designed and maintained to meet the requirements of a wide variety of users.
Revision Notice - Data Smoothing
Information Notice - Delay in Publication
Construction Output Statistics - Feedback
User Feedback and summary of usage
Construction Output Statistics - Q3-2016
Northern Ireland Construction Output bulletin, data tables and infographic. Also, includes tables in CSV format.
Index of Production (IOP) Statistical Bulletin and Tables - Quarter 3 2016
Latest Results - Quarter 3 (July-September) 2016
NI Economic Accounts Project - 2012 Experimental Results
In December 2015 NISRA developed for the first time a balanced estimate of NI Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Shipments of Coal and Other Solid Fuels into NI 1988-2015
Shipments of Coal and Other Solid Fuels into NI 1988-2015
Background information for Exporting Northern Ireland Services study
UK Petroleum Industry - deliveries to Northern Ireland 1983-2014
UK petroleum industry deliveries to NI 2014 and petroleum statistics revisions policy.
Archive publications - Exporting Northern Ireland Services
Exporting Nothern Ireland Services archive data
Access to Finance - current publication
Northern Ireland Access to Finance 2007 and 2010 - report and statistical press release published 28 October 2011