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79 publications

Weekly deaths - Week ending 26 August 2022

Published 02 September 2022Statistical reports

Weekly deaths - Week ending 19 August 2022

Published 26 August 2022Statistical reports

Weekly deaths - Week ending 12 August 2022

Published 19 August 2022Statistical reports

Weekly deaths - Week ending 5 August 2022

Published 12 August 2022Statistical reports

Weekly deaths - Week ending 29 July 2022

Published 05 August 2022Statistical reports

Weekly deaths - Week ending 22 July 2022

Published 29 July 2022Statistical reports

Weekly deaths - Week ending 15 July 2022

Published 22 July 2022Statistical reports

Weekly deaths - Week ending 1 July 2022

Published 08 July 2022Statistical reports

Weekly deaths - Week ending 24 June 2022

Published 01 July 2022Statistical reports

Weekly deaths - Week ending 17 June 2022

Published 24 June 2022Statistical reports

Weekly deaths - Week ending 10 June 2022

Published 17 June 2022Statistical reports

Weekly deaths - Week ending 3 June 2022

Published 10 June 2022Statistical reports

Weekly deaths - Week ending 20 May 2022

Published 27 May 2022Statistical reports

Review of Suicide Statistics in Northern Ireland

Published 26 May 2022Statistical reports

Weekly deaths - Week ending 13 May 2022

Published 20 May 2022Statistical reports

Weekly deaths - Week ending 6 May 2022

Published 13 May 2022Statistical reports

Weekly deaths - Week ending 29 April 2022

Published 06 May 2022Statistical reports