In most cases it is best to resolve the issue by speaking directly to the person or to their supervisor. If you are not satisfied you may use our formal complaints procedure.
Internal Procedure
Our formal complaints procedure has two stages.
Stage 1
Write to the survey manager setting out details of your complaint. We will investigate all complaints and if possible answer within 10 days.
Stage 2
If after Stage 1 you are not satisfied you may write to:
NISRA Chief Executive,Colby House,
Stranmillis Court,
Mark your envelope ‘Personal and Confidential’
The Chief Executive will investigate your complaint and the response, and will reply to you, if possible within 20 working days.
The Ombudsman
If you are still not satisfied you may request an MP to refer your complaint to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration (the Ombudsman). The Ombudsman is totally independent of NISRA and of Government. More details are available on the Ombudsman's website.