Business Planning

Corporate Plan; Business Plan; Annual Report and Accounts; Framework Document

Corporate Plan 2019-24

The NISRA Corporate Plan sets out the Agency’s high level objectives and how these will be delivered. It is set within the context of the Northern Ireland Executive’s Programme for Government and the DoF Corporate Plan.

NISRA Corporate Plan 2019-24

Business Plan

NISRA’s operational business plans are one year standalone plans. These draw on the strategic themes set out in the NISRA Corporate Plan and are developed in the context of the current Programme for Government.

NISRA Business Planning

Annual Report and Accounts

The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) Annual Report and Accounts for the financial year.

NISRA Annual Reports and Accounts

NISRA Framework Document

The purpose of the Framework Document is to set down relationships between the Minister, the Agency and its parent Department, the Department of Finance (DoF).

NISRA Framework Document