Aim of ADR NI

ADR NI makes it possible for trained researchers to use administrative data for social and economic research, while making sure the data remains safe and everyone’s privacy is protected. The ultimate aims are to inform the development and monitoring of public policy and to help ensure that decision making is evidence based. Indeed ADR projects have a history of influencing public policy decisions.
As well as giving accredited researchers access to administrative data, the ADR NI carries out its own original research.
Ethical Approval
Ethical approval is required for all ADR research projects.
For governmental researchers (and those not affiliated with academic institutions) please see UKSA guidance and support.
For academic researchers affiliated with Queen's University, Belfast, please see the QUB Ethics Committee page.
For academic researchers affiliated with Ulster University, please consult Part B of the University's Policy for the Governance of Research
For academic researchers outside Northern Ireland, please contact your institution's Research Ethics and Governance Office.
Apply for an ADR NI Project
ADR NI projects must be approved at the UK Statistics Authority Research Accreditation Panel (RAP). The RAP assess each project against the following criteria:
i. Is there public benefit?
ii. Is there demonstrable analytical merit?
iii. Is the project feasible?
iv. Are any relevant privacy implications sufficiently mitigated?
v. Has the project successfully completed a formal ethical review?
All researchers interested in developing an ADR NI research project must first be accredited under the Digit Economy Act 2017. Follow this link to create an account.
To apply for a project that uses ADR NI data, please contact RSU at for the most up-to-date application form.
ADR Projects may take up to one year to create; and more than one year if the data requested is new or has not been linked before
Information for Researchers
Click the following links for the Trusted Third Party demographic data quality reports: