The tables containing data on deaths registered for the weeks up to week ending 24 January 2025 were released at 9.30am today.
The number of deaths registered in Week 4 may have been impacted by the closure of General Registration Offices on Friday 24 January due to adverse weather conditions. Care should therefore be taken in interpreting weekly data for the week of, and potentially the week after any office closures, especially if making comparisons with other weeks or years.
Key points
Date of registration
- The provisional number of total deaths registered in Northern Ireland in the week ending 24 January (week 4) was 329, 91 less than the previous week (420).
- The number of expected deaths for week 4 was estimated at 386, using the methodology based on mortality rates and trends. The relative number of excess deaths based on the expected deaths for week 4 was estimated at -57.
- For the week ending 24 January 2025, the number of expected deaths was estimated at 192 for males and 194 for females, using the current methodology, based on mortality rates and trends. The relative number of excess deaths based on the expected deaths for the same week, was estimated at -50 for males and -7 for females, using the current method.
- For 2025, by 24 January, 49.7% of deaths were males and 50.3% were females. Over two-thirds (67.6%) of deaths were in the 75 years and over age group.
- In 2025, by 24 January, there have been 1,709 deaths registered. 822 (48.1%) of these took place in hospital, 317 (18.5%) in care homes and 570 (33.4%) at residential addresses, hospices, or other locations.
Date of death
- The provisional number of deaths occurring in the week ending 24 January (including those registered up to and including 29 January 2025) was 299.
The tables are available from the weekly deaths webpage.
Historical weekly deaths data are available on the Final Historical Data page under weekly deaths.
More information on the current method for producing estimates of expected deaths, used to determine excess deaths, is available from the ONS website and a summary paper is available on the NISRA website.
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