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584 news items

Labour Market Report July 2019

Published 16 July 2019Press release

Labour Market Statistics Consultation

Published 08 July 2019News story

Labour Force Survey - Annual Report 2018

Published 18 June 2019Press release

PPS Publishes Quarterly Statistical Bulletin

Published 13 June 2019News story

Labour Market Report June 2019

Published 11 June 2019Press release

Northern Ireland annual tourism statistics 2018

Published 06 June 2019News story

Economic Inactivity in Northern Ireland

Published 04 June 2019Press release

Labour Market Report May 2019

Published 14 May 2019Press release

Work Quality - April 2019

Published 18 April 2019News story

Labour Market Report April 2019

Published 16 April 2019Press release

ASHE Pension Results 2018

Published 12 April 2019Press release

NI Composite Economic Index: Q4-2018

Published 11 April 2019Press release

Construction Output Statistics: Q4-2018

Published 11 April 2019Press release

Labour Market Report March 2019

Published 19 March 2019Press release

Career Opportunities in NISRA

Published 11 March 2019News story