2011-2021 Rebased Mid-Year Population Estimates for Northern Ireland

Date published: 29 June 2023


Rebased Mid-Year Population Estimates for Northern Ireland


Revised 2011-2021 mid-year population estimates for Northern Ireland and the 11 Local Government Districts in line with the most recent Census 2021 population estimates.

Statistics are available as follows:

Northern Ireland and Local Government Districts (LGDs)

  • Population totals (2001-2021: including historical NI 1821-2020)
  • Population densities (2001-2021)
  • Median age (2001-2021)
  • Components of population change (2001-2021)
  • Population by sex and single year of age (1971-2021)
  • Population by sex and five year age bands (1971-2021)

Northern Ireland

  • Comparison between 2011-based and 2021-based population estimates (2011-2021)
  • Population by sex and single year of age - rolled-forward 2011-based estimates (2021)
  • Net migration by sex and single year of age (2001-2021)
  • Net migration by sex, broad age band and migration type (2001-2021)
  • Migration flows and net migration by type (1871-2021)