2017 Mid Year Population Estimates for Northern Ireland (NEW FORMAT TABLES)

Date published: 28 June 2018


2017 Mid Year Population Estimates Publication


The statistics for 2012-2020 have been revised following the release of the Census 2021 results. More information can be found in the Mid-Year Population Estimates for Northern Ireland Rebased (2011-21) publication

This page contains the new format tables for the mid-year population estimates. They have been designed to be more user friendly by providing all of the information for each geography in one place.  In addition, each file provides the data in both flat file format and tabular format.

We are keen to understand the user experience of these new format tables so if you have any comments or suggestions, please email us at census@nisra.gov.uk quoting "MYEs new format tables".  (please note that these files require Excel 2012 or later)

Statistics are available as follows:

Population Estimates for all geographic levels (not including Super Output Areas and former Electoral Wards)

Statistics are available for various time periods dependent on the geographic level selected.  For example, Northern Ireland level population estimates are available from 1971 to 2017, while estimates for Local Government Districts are available from 2001 to 2017.  See the table metadata for more details.

  • Components of population change
  • Population by sex and single year of age
  • Population by sex and age bands
  • Population totals
  • Population Densities
  • Median age

Population Estimates for Super Output Areas and former Electoral Wards

Time period is 2001 to 2017

  • Population by sex and broad age bands

Migration Estimates for Northern Ireland

Time period is 2001 to 2017

  • Net migration by sex and single year of age
  • Net migration by sex and age bands
  • Migration flows by type

Population Estimates by Deprivation Deciles

Northern Ireland population reported by deprivation deciles for both the new NIMDM2017 and the old NIMDM2010 measures.  Time period is 2001 to 2017.

  • Population by sex and five year age bands

See also: