Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2017 (NIMDM2017)

The updated deprivation measures were released on 23rd November 2017 replacing the NIMDM 2010 as the official measure of deprivation in Northern Ireland and were awarded a prestigious Campion Award for Excellence in Official Statistics by the Royal Statistical Society and the UK Statistics Authority in 2018. 

The measures, known as NIMDM 2017, were informed through public consultation and Steering Group agreement, and provide a mechanism for ranking the 890 Super Output areas (SOAs) in Northern Ireland from the most deprived (rank 1) to the least deprived (rank 890).

They include ranks of the areas for each of 7 distinct types (or domains) of deprivation, which have been combined to produce an overall multiple deprivation measure (MDM) rank of the areas. The MDM ranks of the areas should be considered in conjunction with those for each of the 7 domains in order to gain a comprehensive picture of deprivation.

The newly developed online NIMDM 2017 Analysis Package and interactive maps allow users to readily access the data and easily find the areas in which they are interested. Training on these packages is available on the NISRA Youtube Channel.

Deprivation measures for your area can be found using the postcode lookup tool

The methodology and findings were presented to the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland (SSISI) in March 2019, leading to paper in its journal

More information can be found in the frequently asked questions.

Click here to view the NIMDM 2017 report

SOA Results

SA Results

Other Geographies


There were 36 recommendations from NIMDM 2010. Active consideration of all recommendations was a key component of the update; each recommendation was all addressed in the consultation document

Following the publication of the NIMDM 2017 measures, a set of new recommendations were published.

Consultation on the updated Multiple Deprivation Measures (NIMDM2017)

The consultation on the proposals for the updated Multiple Deprivation Measures (NIMDM2017) closed in January 2017. 

Consultation on Output Geography for Deprivation

The purpose of this consultation was to consider the options for the geographical levels, for which the Updated Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure (NIMDM 2017) will be produced and published. The consultation ran from 10th February to 4th May 2016.

Overview of the Planned Work

Given the National Statistics status of the NIMDM, the work was carried out 'in house' by NISRA statisticians in accordance with the UK Statistics Authority Code of Practice for Official Statistics. It was overseen by a cross-Departmental/organisation Steering group chaired by NISRA's Director of Analysis.

Key stakeholders were actively encouraged to engage with the work in order to ensure that the update was comprehensive and that collective ownership was secured for the outcome. Avenues for engagement included participation in the Steering Group, Domain Expert Groups and public consultation events.

NIMDM 2017 User Engagement Strategy

Multiple Deprivation Measures in the rest of the UK

Most recent documents

Contacts for Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation Measure 2017 (NIMDM2017)