2984 publications
NISRA Customer Satisfaction Survey 2013
The report details the level of customer satisfaction and provides NISRA with feedback on how it is performing and how it can make improvements.
NISRA Business Plan 2014-15
NISRA’s operational business plan for 2014-15 is a one year standalone plan that draws on the strategic themes set out in our 2012-15 Corporate Plan.
2012 Mid Year Population Estimates for Small Areas Statistical Bulletin
2012 Mid Year Population Estimates for Small Areas
2011 Census - Infographics for Local Government Districts in Northern Ireland
Download infographics from the 2011 Census for Local Government Districts (2014).
CDIFF Deaths 2004-2014
MRSA Deaths 2004-2014
Analysis of NICS Recruitment Competitions 2013
2011 Census - Local Characteristics for Northern Ireland
This release comprises Local Characteristics from the 2011 Census.
2011 Census - Bulk download files
2011 Census bulk download products are available to download.
Statistics Advisory Committee Minutes 11 March 2014
Economic Accounts expert user group meeting
Economic and Labour Market Statistics (ELMS) statistical user group meetings.
NI Statistical Surveys - Assessment of Cost Burden 2012-13
Cost to businesses in 2012/13 of complying with statutory and voluntary government statistical surveys in Northern Ireland
Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 1st January 2014
Population Statistics Revisions Policy
Population, migration and life events statistics revisions Policy
Registrar General Quarterly Tables 2013
2011 Census - Key Statistics for New 11 Districts in Northern Ireland
This release comprises Key Statistics for Local Government District 2014 (LGD2014).
2011 Census - Microdata Teaching File
The microdata teaching file contains 1% of the person records from the 2011 Census in Northern Ireland, and was created for training students.
Pay Statistics for the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 2013
An overview of the Northern Ireland Civil Service pay statistics as at March 2013.
Tourism User Group Meeting
A tourism statistics user group meeting has held on 17th December
Tourism User Group meeting
A tourism statistics user group meeting was held on 17th December