2996 publications
Statistics Advisory Committee Minutes 13 September 2023
CT0613NI National Statistics Socio-economic Classification of Household Reference Person (HRP) by tenure
Census 2011 estimates that classify Household Reference Persons aged 16 to 74 by National Statistics Socio-economic Classification, by tenure.
EXT20250128 National Statistics Socio-economic Classification of Household Reference Person (HRP) by tenure
National Statistics Socio-economic Classification of all Household Reference Persons aged 16 to 74 by tenure, for Census 2001.
2022-based Population Projections for Northern Ireland
Population Projections for Northern Ireland
2022-based Population Projections for Northern Ireland: Variant projections
Variant projections are produced based on alternative, but generally plausible, assumptions of future fertility, mortality and net migration.
1991 Census - Country of birth (full detail) by sex
This dataset provides Census 1991 estimates that classify usual residents by their country of birth (full detail), and sex.
EXT20250127 Country of birth (full detail) by sex
Dataset provides Census 2001 estimates that classify usual residents by their country of birth (full detail), and sex.
CT0612NI Country of birth (full detail) by sex
Dataset provides Census 2011 estimates that classify usual residents by their country of birth (full detail), and sex.
CT0133 Low-paying occupations by highest level of qualifications
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents aged 16+ in employment in NI by low-paying occupations by highest level of qualifications.
CT0130 Low-paying occupations by household composition
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents aged 16+ in employment in Northern Ireland by low-paying occupations by household composition.
CT0134 Low-paying occupations by hours worked
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents aged 16+ in employment in Northern Ireland by low-paying occupations by hours worked.
CT0132 Low-paying occupations by general health
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents aged 16+ in employment in Northern Ireland by low-paying occupations by general health.
CT0128 Low-paying occupations by age band
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents aged 16+ in employment in Northern Ireland by low-paying occupations by age band.
CT0131 Low-paying occupations by ethnic group
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents aged 16+ in employment in Northern Ireland by low-paying occupations by ethnic group.
CT0129 Low-paying occupations by sex
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents aged 16+ in employment in Northern Ireland by low-paying occupations by sex.
CT0127 Usual resident population by Local Government District and Settlement Band
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents by Local Government District and Settlement Band in Northern Ireland.
CT0135 Low-paying occupations by industry
Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents aged 16+ in employment in Northern Ireland by low-paying occupations by industry.
BDR 2021 Metadata and Data Dictionary
BDR 2021 metadata and data dictionary
CGIAD guidance for researchers
CGIAD 2019/2020
Labour Market Report – January 2025
The LMR provides a monthly overview of key NI labour market statistics, including data from the LFS, claimant count, redundancies, and HMRC PAYE.