2984 publications
2011 Census - Outputs Information Event
As part of its ongoing user consultation, NISRA organised three information events to discuss proposals for the outputs from the 2011 Census.
Pay Statistics for the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 2011
An overview of the Northern Ireland Civil Service pay statistics as at March 2011.
Quality and revisions - Manufacturing, Sales and Exports Survey
Manufacturing, Sales and Exports Survey (MSES) quality report and revisions policy documents
Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 1st October 2011
Sickness Absence in the Northern Ireland Civil Service 2010/11
This report provides an analysis of sickness absence data for staff in the Northern Ireland Civil Service over the 2010/2011 financial year.
2011 Census - Geographic Units for Outputs
This paper discusses the geographic basis on which statistical aggregates from the 2011 Census are based.
Registrar General Annual Reports 2001-2010
Excess Winter Mortality 2010/11
Publication and tables on Excess Winter Mortality
Personnel Statistics for the NICS - 2011
Access to Finance - current publication
Northern Ireland Access to Finance 2007 and 2010 - report and statistical press release published 28 October 2011
2010-based Population Projections for Northern Ireland
Population Projections for Northern Ireland
Census Advisory Group Minutes - 6 October 2011
CAG minutes and update papers from 6 October 2011 are available to download.
Estimates of the Population Aged 85 and Over, Northern Ireland 2010 (Revised 2002-2009) Statistical Bulletin
Estimates of the population aged 85 and over, Northern Ireland 2010 (Revised 2002-2009) statistical bulletin.
Analysis of NICS Recruitment Competitions 2009/10
Statistics Advisory Committee Minutes 14 Sept 2011
Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 1st July 2011
Information Assurance Policy Statement by the UK Census Offices
Download the 'Information Assurance Policy Statement by the UK Census Offices'.
NISRA Customer Satisfaction Survey 2010
The report details the level of customer satisfaction and provides NISRA with feedback on how it is performing and how it can make improvements.
2011 Census - Outputs User Information Day
As part of its ongoing user consultation, NISRA organised two census user information events to discuss proposals for the outputs from Census 2011.
2011 Census - Outputs Strategy
Download the 2011 Census Outputs Strategy.