Date published:
- Gross weekly and hourly pay excluding overtime by industry (SIC03)
- Gross hourly pay excluding overtime by occupation (SOC90)
- Gross weekly earnings for full-time employees
- Hourly pay excluding overtime
- Percentage below real living wage
- Public sector gross weekly pay by occupation
- Tourism
- Occupation and Industry by pay band
- Number and proportion of employee jobs with hourly earnings less than the living wage by NI LGD
- Weekly, hourly and annual earnings by LGD
- Proportion of low-paid and high-paid jobs by pay period
- Annual earnings for private sector by age
- Annual earnings for public sector by age
- Weekly and annual earnings by business size
- Annual earnings for public and private sector by RQF
- Basic pay including other pay by LGD
- Percentage and number below real living wage by LGD and PCA
- Construction 2019
- Tourism gross weekly median pay
- Tourism total paid hours
- Proportion of employee jobs with hourly earnings less than the living wage
- Median Annual Salary (£) by N.I. Geographical Classification for Work & Home Address
- Total hours worked for all employees in Northern Ireland for ETM secor
- Earnings by private sector and age
- Earnings by public sector and age
- Earnings (Basic and Other, Full-Time, Private Sector) - weekly data converted to annual
- Earnings (Gross and Other, Full-Time, Private Sector) - weekly data converted to annual
- Tourism total paid hours
- Tourism gross weekly median pay
- Annual median pay - Gross (£) - For full-time employee jobs in Northern Ireland
- Weekly median pay - Gross (£) - For full-time employee jobs in Northern Ireland
- Furloughed staff for Tourism industry for NI
- Gross weeekly median earnings, for full-time employees, by skill level and gender
- Basic pay
- Basic pay
- Construction 2020
- Gender pay gap by home LGD
- Gender pay gap by work LGD
- Employees earning above and below the Real Living Wage
- Median Annual Salary by urban and rural area 2020
- Earnings by private sector and age 2021
- Earnings by public sector and age 2021
- Earnings (Gross, Full-Time, Private Sector) - weekly data converted to annual 2020-2021
- Weekly earnings by selected postcode 2021
- Median Annual Salary by urban and rural area 2021
- Tourism total paid hours 2021
- Tourism gross weekly median pay 2021
- Furloughed staff for Tourism industry for NI 2021
- Hospitality total paid hours 2021
- Hospitality gross weekly median pay 2021
- Furloughed staff for Hospitality industry for NI 2021
- Construction 2021
- Earnings (Basic and other pay, Full-Time, Private Sector) - weekly data converted to annual 2020-2021
- Employees earning below the Real Living Wage
- Employees earning below the Real Living Wage
- Employees earning below the Real Living Wage
- Weekly and hourly earnings by skill level (SOC2010)
- Earnings by private sector and age
- Earnings by public sector and age
- Earnings by public and private sector and working pattern
- Earnings by public and private sector and working pattern
- Construction
- Median Annual Salary (£) by N.I. Geographical Classification for Work & Home Address
- Earnings by LGD and skill level
- Earnings (Basic and Other pay, Full-Time, Private Sector) - weekly data converted to annual
- Earnings (Gross weekly, Full-Time, Private Sector) - weekly data converted to annual
- Employees earning below the Real Living Wage
- Tourism total paid hours
- Tourism gross weekly median pay
- Tourism hours worked and weekly pay by urban/rural
- Earnings by new job and age
- Earnings by age
- Hourly earnings for 16-24 year olds
- ASHE2308
- ASHE2309
- ASHE2310
- ASHE2311
- ASHE2312
- Earnings by private sector and age
- Earnings by public sector and age
- Employees earning below the Real Living Wage by work pattern
- Employees earning below the Real Living Wage by gender
- Median hourly earnings excluding overtime for all employees by LGD and skill level
- Median hourly earnings excluding overtime for all employees by INI ROA and skill level
- Median hourly earnings excluding overtime for all employees by INI ROA and sex
- Median hourly earnings excluding overtime by INI ROA and working pattern
- Median hourly earnings excluding overtime by INI ROA and working pattern and sex
- Median Annual Salary (£) by N.I. Geographical Classification for Work & Home Address
- Annual pay public private
- ASHE2408
- ASHE2409
- ASHE2410
- ASHE2411
- ASHE2412
- ASHE2413
- ASHE2414
- ASHE2415
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- ASHE2423