2991 publications
Labour Market Report – October 2018
Labour Market Report – October 2018
Labour Force Survey tables – October 2018
Labour Force Survey tables for June to August 2018
Labour Force Survey historical data October 2018
LFS historical key data series June – August 2018
Council Area Statistics – Claimant Count September 2018
The new experimental Claimant Count includes Jobseeker's Allowance claimants and unemployed Universal Credit claimants.
Parliamentary constituency tables – September 2018
Claimant count statistics by parliamentary constituency area
Travel to work area tables - September 2018
The following sources provide data by Northern Ireland’s travel to work areas.
HRCS Sickness Absence Statistics User Guide - October 2018
HRCS Sickness Absence Statistics User Guide
Sickness Absence in the NICS Background Quality Report - October 2018
PfG 2016-21 Measurement Annex - % who think all leisure centres, parks, libraries and shopping centres in their areas are 'shared and open' to both Protestants and Catholics
PfG 2016-21 Measurement Annex - % of the population who believe their cultural identity is respected by society
Archive quarterly tourism statistics publications
Archive quarterly tourism statistics publications can be accessed below.
Construction Output Statistics - Q2-2018
Correction to the Quarter 2 2018 Construction Output Statistics
NICEI downloadable tables Q2-2018
NICEI publication and tables Q2-2018
NICEI Q2 2018 bulletins, combined statistical press release, charts and tables
HRCS Publication Schedule - October 2018
The HRCS Publication Schedule for the next twelve months, as of 10th October 2018.
PfG 2016-21 Measurement Annex - Economic inactivity rate excluding students
In 2019, the economic inactivity rate (excluding students) was 19.7%.
PfG 2016-21 Measurement Annex - Employment rate of 16-64 year olds by deprivation quintile
Employment rate of 16-64 year olds by deprivation quintile
PfG 2016-21 Measurement Annex - % people working part time who would like to work more hours
The part-time underemployment rate in 2019 was 15.6%.
PfG 2016-21 Measurement Annex - Employment rate by council area
PfG 2016-21 Measurement Annex - Reoffending rate
The reoffending rate for the latest cohort, (2017/18) was 19.03%.