2991 publications
Northern Ireland Multiple Deprivation measure 2017: Geography Consultation
The NIMDM17 Geography Consultation ran from 10th February to 4th May 2016.
Equality Statistics for the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 2016
CHS letter
Continuous Household Survey asks questions on topics, such as internet access, environment, tourism, libraries, health, sport and education.
Crime survey letter
The Northern Ireland Safe Community Survey is a representative, continuous, personal interview survey of the experiences and perceptions of crime
LCF documents
The Living Costs and Food Survey is the main source of information on the cost of living in Northern Ireland, used to calculate the rate of inflation
LFS letter
This survey asks people in Northern Ireland about employment, unemployment and economic activity.
Travel survey letter
The Travel Survey for Northern Ireland (TSNI) is the primary source of information on how people use different forms of transport.
Health survey documents
The Health Survey Northern Ireland aims to provide a picture of the health of the Northern Ireland population.
Current publication and IDBR tables
Edition 19 - Facts and Figures from the IDBR - Published 25th January 2017
User Engagement - Population Estimates and Projections for Northern Ireland User Survey 2014-15 and 2015-16
Results from the Population Estimates and Projections for Northern Ireland user surveys.
Urban- Rural Geography Documents (2015)
Construction Output Statistics - Q3-2016
Northern Ireland Construction Output bulletin, data tables and infographic. Also, includes tables in CSV format.
NICEI publication and tables Q3-2016
NICEI Q3 2016 bulletins, charts, tables and combined statistical press release
NIMDM17 documents
NIMDM2010 Consultation
NIMDM2010 Steering Group
Infant Deaths
Northern Ireland Pooled Household Survey (NIPHS) Tables
NISRA have identified a user need to produce more detailed sub-regional and sub-group statistics from household surveys.
Northern Ireland Pooled Household Survey (NIPHS) Meta Data
Northern Ireland Pooled Household Survey (NIPHS) Meta Data