2984 publications
CT0087 Occupancy rating - rooms
This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify households in Northern Ireland by the occupancy rating.
CT0088 Number of families in household
This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify households in Northern Ireland by the number of families in the household.
CT0053 Religion or religion brought up in by sex for selected occupation (Chief executives and senior officials)
Census 2021 estimates on religion or religion brought up in by sex for selected occupation (Chief executives and senior officials).
CT0084 Household composition (5 categories)
This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify households by the relationships between household members (household composition).
CT0078 Households
Census 2021 estimates for the number of households in Northern Ireland.
CT0066 Usual resident population
Census 2021 estimates for the number of usual residents in Northern Ireland.
December 2023 hotel occupancy survey publications
December 2023 Small Service Accommodation occupancy
Review of the Annual Equality Statistics for the Northern Ireland Civil Service
CT0050 General health, age-standardised proportions (Census 2021, Census 2011)
This dataset provides age-standardised proportions for general health from Census 2021 and Census 2011.
CT0051 Long-term health problem or disability, age-standardised proportions (Census 2021, Census 2011)
This dataset provides age-standardised proportions for long-term health problem or disability from Census 2021 and Census 2011.
CT0052 Provision of unpaid care, age-standardised proportions (Census 2021, Census 2011)
This dataset provides age-standardised proportions for provision of unpaid care from Census 2021 and Census 2011.
CT0049 Working or studying in the Republic of Ireland (ROI) by method of travel to work or study
Census 2021 estimates on working or studying in the Republic of Ireland (ROI) by method of travel to work or study.
Sickness Absence in the Northern Ireland Civil Service 2022/23 (Updated with available other organisations 2021/22 and 2022/23 data)
This report provides an analysis of sickness absence data for staff in the Northern Ireland Civil Service over the 2022/2023 financial year.
Drug-Related and Drug Misuse Deaths 2012-2022
Number of drug-related and drug-misuse deaths in Northern Ireland 2012-2022.
2021-based Interim Population Projections for Northern Ireland
2021-based Interim Population Projections for Northern Ireland
Themed Datasets Initial Research Proposal Form
Themed Datasets Initial Research Proposal Form
Labour Market Report – January 2024
The LMR provides a monthly overview of key NI labour market statistics, including data from the LFS, claimant count, redundancies, and HMRC PAYE.
Construction Output Statistics - Q3 - 2023
Northern Ireland Construction Output bulletin, data tables and infographic. Also, includes tables in Open Document format.
NICEI publication and tables Q3 2023
NICEI Q3 2023 bulletins, combined statistical press release, charts and tables