2992 publications
Employment in the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 1st July 2021
Weekly deaths - Week ending 6 August 2021
Deaths for the week ending 6th August 2021 was published today.
Weekly Deaths Bulletin Week Ending 6 August 2021 - Downloadable tables
NI Statistical Surveys - Assessment of Cost Burden to Business 2019/20
Cost to businesses in 2019/20 of complying with statutory and voluntary government statistical surveys in Northern Ireland.
Burden to Households and Individuals of Completing Statistical Surveys issued by Northern Ireland Departments, 2019/20
Burden to Households and Individuals of complying with government statistical surveys in Northern Ireland, in 2019/20.
Weekly Deaths Bulletin Week Ending 30 July 2021 - Downloadable tables
Weekly deaths - Week ending 30 July 2021
Deaths for the week ending 30th July 2021 was published today.
Publication page for training
The title should be short and specific, and accurately describe the publication.
BRES Publication and Tables 2020
Northern Ireland Employee Jobs, 2020
Usage, methods and quality and revisions policy - ABI
The Annual Business Inquiry is designed and maintained to meet the requirements of a wide variety of users.
Weekly Deaths Bulletin Week Ending 23 July 2021 - Downloadable tables
Weekly deaths - Week ending 23 July 2021
Deaths for the week ending 23rd July 2021 was published today.
Personnel Statistics for the NICS - 2021
Equality Statistics for the Northern Ireland Civil Service - 2021
Weekly deaths - Week ending 16 July 2021
Deaths for the week ending 16th July 2021 was published today
Labour Market Report – July 2021
Labour Market Report – July 2021
Labour Force Survey tables – July 2021
Labour Force Survey tables for March – May 2021 which were published 15 July 2021.
Labour Force Survey Time Series data March - May 2021
Labour Force Survey Time Series data March - May 2021.
Labour Market Report downloadable tables July 2021
Weekly deaths - Week ending 2 July 2021
Deaths for the week ending 2nd July 2021 was published today